Monday, April 11, 2011

New Eating Habits Having Effect on My Dishes

I have ALWAYS thought that being on a diet and eating healthier living foods was so much more expensive than eating carb filled, shelf-sitting, brown foods. After a week of sticking to the South Beach low carb, no sugar diet my fridge is still looking pretty strong! Not only that but my pantry is collecting dust! I haven't been in there at all! The other thing is my dishwasher is not seeing a whole lot of action either because I am eating less and using way less dishes! The huge bowls I would use for cereal are singing the blues as we speak! I would run the dishwasher every night before I went to bed and now I am running it about every three days! I am eating so much less than I was before. I am satisfied during the day now. Oh, and I used to be scared to death when I would see the clock approaching 3 pm but now it doesn't even phase me! I just make a protein shake and move on! Two weeks ago, 3 pm meant time to binge eat...followed by time to be depressed and guilty. How in the world do I continue to binge eat AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!? Not anymore!!! This really is such a miracle. It is so amazing how efficient our bodies are. We can actually train our bodies into doing whatever we want! If you want to be fat and crave sugar than just feed yourself fat and sugar. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Thank you Lord, for another day of success. To your glory!

1 comment:

  1. I adore this blog. I just read them all and I love how amazingly sincere, honest and thorough you are in sharing your intermost thoughts. PLEASE keep going. It's such a blessing to read.
