Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week Three-14 Pounds Gone!

It is weigh day! 3 weeks ago I started at 226lbs. This morning I was 212 lbs. I have lost 14 pounds! I absolutely can not believe it except for the fact that I can see and feel the results. I'm down a size or two all over and it feels so good. I'm starting to panic a little because I don't have any clothes that will fit or money to be able to buy new clothes at each stop on my way to a size 6/8 so I am going to be using rubber bands and pins to temporarily alter my wardrobe. My goal is 160. 150 at the lightest since I am 5'8 and have muscular/athletic body type. So that means I have 52 pounds to go. A long journey ahead of I must not get sidetracked by my first stage of success! I have 6 stages to go...not counting the maintenance stage that I plan to stay in for the rest of my life!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

On my way to REALLY being skinny

Never in my life could I ever have seen this coming. This morning I woke up and half my stomach was gone. I fumbled through the dark trying not to wake my husband. I made it successfully to the bathroom where my workout clothes were waiting for me. Yes, you must lay them out the night before. That is one thing I have learned over the years with early morning work outs. When that alarm goes off it is so much easier knowing that you won't have to pick out something to wear...find your tennis know what I mean. I made it to the gym and busted my butt on the bike and elliptical for a grand total of 35 minutes. I could feel the fat blasting off my body. I could feel it because I had had such a light carb-free dinner and no breakfast yet. The fuel supply I had to offer myself was fat and only fat. I got home and had my big breakfast. As Tripp always says, "Have the biggest meal first and work your way down to a smaller lunch and a tiny dinner." So breakfast is so fun for me because I love a good big start to my day. So I came home and ate my Egg, Sausage and Cheese English Muffin. I had an amazing coffee with my unscented, silk almond milk and a tbsp of honey. No more splenda, no more creamer, no more milk. I thought I would die to give up my fabulously home made coffee but I have grown to love and look forward to my skinny cafe late. After that I woke up my precious baby boy and performed my usual steps leading us all out the door to conquer the day.
I arrived at work at 8am to pick up some paperwork before heading out to make my sales calls. About 20 minutes later OUTSIDE of the office I noticed that my engagment ring was gone. I started to panick of course but luckily right then, my phone rang. It was the office calling to ask my if I was missing my ring. I could not beleive that my ring just SLIPPED off!!! As I put the phone back in my purse I pulled my hand out and my wedding band had slipped off as well!!! I immediately wrapped tape around the back of the rings because they were obviously 1 or 2 sizes to big! I can not belive how real this is. And it has only been 3 weeks!!! Tomorrow is weigh in day and I can not WAIT to see how much I've lost and how many inches I've shed. Is this for real? Am I really going to do this? Am I actually going to feel like Cinderella and wake up to find that its not just a dream anymore but an actual reality? I really really really think I am. It is my time to start living my dreams.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Girl's Night Out

Dinner at Camellia's Cafe in Fairhope last night for Jane Ellen's Birthday was the ultimate test. I had to keep telling myself to focus on the prize. Everyone had bread, starters, entrees and desert. I had a salad appetizer as my entree, no break, no dessert. It was hard. It was awkward. I felt like out and a little uncomfortable. HOWEVER, I was was ok. I got to share my experience and my goals and I was fully supported. I'm glad no one changed their eating to make me feel better. This is MY choice because I want to be skinny. Once I am at my goal weight I too will be able to indulge every once in a while. I didn't even have wine! That was easy though because no one else did either. When we got back to Janie's house we had cake with homemade cream cheese icing. I was drooling but stayed strong. This morning I felt so skinny and proud of myself. I got to have a big yummy breakfast with everyone (yes we had a slumber party) and it was so freeing and fun! When I got home I went on a 3 mile jog! I only walked a little bit! I was so proud of myself and the breeze on my face felt amazing. I like being in the skinny club. I am not aloud to weigh myself anymore because Tripp told me not to. I trust him and follow his teaching. Tonight we are going to Dog river to spend the night and cook out. We are grilling chicken and veggies! I am going to have 2 glasses of wine and lots of water. Mike and I are also going on an evening Kayaking trip tonight so that should be great for my mind, spirit and ARMS! Life is so good when you are doing it right.


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Today marked the two week point of me living the life of a skinny person. I was 216 this morning which makes a total weight loss of 10 pounds!

When shopping for food Garland tells me to outline the grocery store. Don't go down the aisles. Think about that for a second. Isn't that smart? I leave with all fresh foods!

I have continued eating high protein foods every 2 hours. I've noticed that when I forget to eat I have such a hard time talking myself down into a calm state of mind. It reminds me to eat eat eat!!! (When I'm suppose to, of course.)

Being the social butterfly that I am, I have already been to at least 6 functions that have of course been centered around FOOD! Family Steak Out....Hot Dog Cook out...Birthday Cake...Wine flowing like water...Date Night job celebration...And there is probably more I am forgetting. I have stayed strong and not given in!!! Oh I just thought of one more...Lunch with the co-workers!!!

I have slowly moved forward through all of these events eating slowly and steadily. I've stuck to grilled fish or chicken, veggies, fruit, whole wheat, water, BEANS (MY FAVORITE!) and a glass of wine to keep me sain.

I only worked out 3 times this week which is not enough. Tomorrow starts my 5 am workout at the gym. Now that I have my eating down I can add in the heavy cardio and start to MELT THAT FAT!!! (Like, "Move that Bus"! haha no pun intended!)

I am focusing on the prize which to remind you is....
To honor my body as a temple of the Holy One
To be light and feel good about myself
To express how I truly feel
To be comfortable
To wear beautiful clothes
To do a model photo shoot
To give Carter a baby brother/sister

Prayers welcome. Thanks for reading. Good night. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

8 Pounds in 11 Days!

So Thursday marked the one week point of me living like a skinny person. This means I was eating 6 small meals a day. The meals were every 2-3 hours, they were high protein and low carb, and they were so filling and yummy!!! In addition, 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week is added in. After losing 8 pounds (yes 8 not 7!!) I started to get scale obsessed. I have weighed every day because it is fun watching the fat melt off so fast!!!

This weekend I continued on the path to success. I still have not binged once! It has been a total of 11 days since I started and still no binge! I literally have never gone more than 3 days without a binge. Going those 3 days without a binge literally was like watching a miracle before my eyes...which is probably why I would freak out and crack under pressure which would then lead to a binge.

This weekend I was the night nurse for my sister. For those who don't know what that means I'll explain really quick. This means that I moved into my sister's house to help take care of their newborn baby for the weekend. Which in return means, I got NO SLEEP! In addition to getting no sleep, there was food everywhere! Yall, it didn't even phase me. I did not stray ONCE. You see, I am setting myself up for success!! I'm not missing out on life or beating myself with discipline. Of course self-control is huge and discipline is key in doing this but I had been so satisfied from eating all day long that I was equipped with armor once thrown into the battle! It was so fun and easy to watch myself say no to mac n cheese and sister shubert rolls WITHOUT hesitation! I instead had cherry tomatoes and half a piece of whole wheat pita bread with my filet! I was sitting there eating thinking..."I mean, I am eating a steak and red wine! Why would I complain right now???" It was so good and I enjoyed every bite.

So this morning I got on the scale and was 218. Nope, I have not lost anything since Thursday but I am not going to get discouraged. I've still lost 8 pounds in 11 days and I know that I am not going to give up or binge because this is my new lifestyle and quite frankly, it feels great and is so easy AS LONG AS I stick to eating every 2-3 hours. The second I stop doing that...I am just preparing myself for a dreaded binge.

Signing off with...


Now that's what we call TOUGH LOVE!!! You'll thank me for it just like I thank my Garland for it daily.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

8 Pounds of Fat GONE

This morning I was 218. If I calculate correctly that means that I have lost 8 pounds in my first week on the "skinny people diet". I have even better news...this is NOT a diet! This morning I chowed down on an egg, sausage, and cheddar cheese McMuffin and and Iced cafe latte! This is what the skinny people do (which is exactly what I have replicated!)

Eat a big breakfast with lots of protein (6am)
3 hours later have second "meal" (9am) example: Kashi bar with tablespoon peanut butter
2 hours later (from here on out I eat every 2 hours...I could go three hours earlier because my breakfast was so filling)
2 hours later lunch time (Tuna and veggies)
2 hours later another small meal (string cheese and an apple perhaps)
OK I know what you are thinking because I thought it too....this sounds terrible! These snacks are so healthy, no wonder she is losing weight!!!
Well, duh! Of course they are but let me tell you that IT TAKES DISCIPLINE! If you are really ready to jump on the skinny train you have to do it. The good thing about this is since you are eating so often you actually enjoy the healthy snacks and you never want to binge!!! AND it is really fun thinking about the fat melting off your body. So you, decide...

Secondly, you must MOVE more!!! I am walking/jogging 2 miles a day right now. Start out by taking a walk around the block. Go a little further each day until you are up to 2 miles. Push yourself! Imagine the fat melting off! It really is!

And lastly, don't eat another bite after your healthy dinner (chicken/fish and veggies). It's OK to go to bed a little hungry. Would you rather your body burn your late night snack or the ugly thigh fat?

I am so happy and feeling so hopeful that this really is going to work. I have my couch by my side and I am heading towards success. If you don't have a couch...find someone in your life that is skinny that you really love and know loves you. Make an appointment to talk to them and express to them your dilemma. Ask them to help keep you accountable. Try to find someone who really does work at being skinny though, not a skinny person that eats one big mac a day and nothing else.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

7 pounds in 7 days

It has been exactly one week since I started living the life of a skinny person. I have simply eaten every 2-3 hours...high protein low fat foods. I have stayed satisfied and therefore not binged ONCE. I can't remember that last time I was binge free for more than 2 days. That third day, I would always go crazy and just give up.

I was 226 pounds 7 days ago and this morning I weighed in at 119. 7 Pounds gone in one week!

HOWEVER...I am staying calm. I fear the part of me that talks down to myself and forces me to self-sabotage. That is why I am so so so so so blessed to have my best friend, Garland calling me throughout the day to check on me. She asks me what I've eaten, what I'm planning on eating next, and she asks me what I plan to do for exercise that afternoon. She and her husband continue to tell me daily that if the exercise starts to feel easy it isn't enough. So on my walks once I've caught my breath, I start jogging. I can only run about a minute at a time right now.

Tripp is helping me so much having gone before me on this never ending journey. This is a lifestyle and I know I can do it because I am always satisfied. Please pray with me that I can stay controlled, not get emotionally beaten down, and that I continue to practice discipline. I want to be healthy. I've decided to get these unwanted 60 pounds of fat off my body. I am a fighter and I will win this! No matter how long it takes. (But at this rate, I could be there by Christmas!!)

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Tripp joined the Skinny Club 2 years ago and is helping me so much! Just wanted to add that to my blog below. :) He actually wanted me to cut out all alcohol the first 2 weeks but Coach Garland said I didn't have too. Congrats to Tripp for becoming a skinny and disciplined hotty! I pray I will follow in his footsteps!


Cameron and Garland Weavil (Sanders) are two of the hottest people I know and are teaching me how to be skinny. They told me a little secret that is changing my life. ALWAYS BE ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOUR BODY. Meaning...Since I am eating about every two hours, I have to think fast because that's a lot of eating! (Funny isn't it? I've trained myself to try and FORGET food and these skinny people are telling me to NEVER forget food but instead to EAT EAT EAT!) So anyways, About an hour after I have eating one of my snacks, I need to start thinking about what my next snack is going to be!! If I forget to eat, I'm screwed. That is where a binge comes into play. It's all about setting yourself up for success and not failure.

It is crazy that the last 7 months I have busted my butt in the gym, blurted out my numbers and thoughts on the web, and handled the food as if it were my enemy.

FOOD IS NOT MY ENEMY!!! I need it every two-three hours to assist me in losing weight! I love it!

Yall, seriously I have lost 6 pounds in 3 days. My body is burning fat now that I am doing the right thing.

I am very excited and hopeful. My biggest mountain to climb during this whole thing is called DISCIPLINE. If you don't practice discipline and eat when, how and what you are suppose can not be in the skinny club. Sorry. :(

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Picture in Size 12 Jeans

This is me my Senior year at Auburn in Size 12 jeans. I was only

Keeping Calm and Carrying On.

Liz Life Change Plan: Life Coach-Garland Sanders
Starting Weight 226 pounds/Size 18
Goal Weight 160 pounds/ Size 8-10 (Min 150 pounds/Size6-8)
66 Pounds to lose
2 pounds a week= 33 weeks/ 33 weeks= 8 months/ June 2012
Plan: Eat a High Protein Breakfast followed by small meals every 2 hours.
6am Egg, cheese, sausage, English muffin, coffee
10 am Soup
Noon- Tuna snack
2 pm Yogurt
4 pm Apple and String Cheese
6 pm Veggies and deli meat
8pm Protein shake
10 pm string cheese
Dealing with issues and staying calm. Not eating my feelings. Praying for strength. Never allowing myself to get hungry. Eating less and moving more. Understanding that I am in control and I must practice self-discipline. All skinny people have to stay controlled. Fat=a loss of self-control. If I want it as much as I say I do, I must be strong…keep calm and carry on. Staying healthy and living a long life for my son. Being the best looking I can be for my hot husband.

End reward: Doing a major photo shoot and article to be published with Garland on our journey to becoming who we were meant to be.

I am a skinny person trapped in a fat suit ready to break free.
My Life Coach, Garland is dedicated to walk daily with me as I fight this battle. She is helping me stay focused and learn the true meaning of discipline. I am forever grateful to my dear friend for helping me at no cost but just as an act of love.