Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Normal Life

Pinch me. OK, I'm awake! Sorry I just fell asleep. Am I bored? I think I am. I am so use to getting ALL FIRED UP when it comes to a project...especially about my body. I have always failed in the past, taken some time to get over it, and then gotten back on the crazy train with a new crazy idea about how I was going to succeed and get skinny! I am 3 months down the road to success and it just doesn't feel very natural to be doing the same thing day in and day out. Mentally, I am way too calm. I have never been this calm and this normal. It is kind of freaking me out.

This whole "lifestyle" change really has worked. I don't need to live my life on a roller coaster any more. I am at a calm and steady pace now. I am happy and I am free from the chains that once held me down. Of course I'm good enough to live this life.

I am blessed. I am strong. I am confident.

Thank you Lord for my news eyes. I can finally see.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pics at Size 8 in College...But I got there the wrong way. Read previous post!


I have a pair of black jeans that are size 14 and I can only wear with a baggy shirt because they are so tight. I love them though because they are long and I feel skinny in them.

Just yesterday I had to retire these jeans!!! They are so big and baggy that I started to borrow one of Mike's belts when I cleverly thought to myself, "Why don't you pull out the next size down?!" Yes, I have jeans all the way down to a size 8. The smaller they get the cuter and more expensive they get because I would always buy hot jeans when I was at those hot sizes.

Back in the day when I was a 8/10 I was not there by doing it the right way. I was there by "forgetting to eat" and taking a spinning class 2 to THREE times a day! I would go out and drink Vodka/Waters with lime and then wake up for the 5 am Spinning class...go home and nap....head back for the Noon Spinning for a while and eating a Tuna foot long sandwich followed by the 6 pm spinning class. After that I would shower and get all dolled up to go out where I would drink my Vodka and Water. THAT WAS NO WAY TO LIVE! I was an idiot college kid who thought I had to do something THIS drastic in order to be hot!

I would reward myself with strapless tops, skinny/expensive jeans, and hot stiletto heels. Now, I am only 2 sizes away from being that size, except I am getting there the RIGHT way!

I am jogging/walking 2-4 miles a day and eating small healthy meals every 2-3 hours. I am indulging about once a week and I am feeling balanced, healthy and happy.

I am wearing my size 12 jeans, size Large shirts, and I am down to a size DD bra. It kills me to think that I actually was a size G bra a year and a half ago. That is literally the size of a small watermelon. That is no way to live, my friends.

Here are my goals:
170 Pounds
Size 8/10
Bra Size 36 D
Shoe Size 9 (yes, my feet are shrinking too!)

Today I am 204. I have been here for about a month. My body will soon shift into fat burning mode again and hopefully drop 20 pounds no problem. That last 10 pounds is going to be tough, but the thing is...I'm in NO RUSH. This is a LIFESTYLE!!! NOT A RACE! This way of thinking will only contribute to the maintenance phase.

If you haven't already, please join me in living a happy and healthy life. It is a marathon, not a sprint!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Photo Op

In between my two friends Avery and Tripp, I had no idea that I looked this together as friend, Scott snapped the pic. We were at one of the most elegant parties of the year celebrating friends, Abby and Cliff and their soon to be marraige. I wanted to wear all black because I knew it would put me in the safety zone of a fashion malfunction. As we gathered in to take the picture I felt hands on my waist, not grabbing on as if I were too large to get a good grip...but a gentle, calm and easy placement of their hands lay upon my hips. AH!! I just felt like Daniel Steele for a second there.

Once I saw this picture I knew. I knew that this was happening. I was losing weight and I could now really see it in a picture. I am happy and I am feeling very fesitve!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Taking the Road Less Traveled

All week long I have known that come Friday afternoon, my husband would be packing up and leaving town for the boy's hunting trip. After a week of eating and exercising almost flawlessly, I took a deep breath and waved him off with Carter on my hip. A sense of accomplishment came over me as I stood in the doorway wearing my Kim Kardashian style black spandex yoga pants and top. I felt good and I knew I looked it too. He took one last look and gave a big smile.

Rewinding 2 hours earlier. Showered and recovered from my earlier 4 mile jog, I wanted to do something active again! I looked at my curly cued angle and said, "Wanna ride the bike?" He looked at me with pure joy and said "WANNA RIDE BIKE!!" We were heading out the door when I decided to grab my drivers license and a $20 bill from my wallet. In the blink of an eye, before I could even think about what I was doing, I had decided that Carter and I would ride up to Walgreen's and buy a bottle of red wine and some sugar free dark chocolate. My bike had a basket and this would be soooooooooooo cute of us to do! Right? Wrong. I was planning a surprise attack BINGE!!! And I really didn't even know it!

As I approached Walgreen's I quickly turned don't Conti Street and peddled as hard and fast as I could. I literally fled from temptation.

Sober and skinny, I am in bed and I am happy. I just had some relaxation tea combined with "Zen in your Den" 20 minute yoga and I Praise the Lord that I stayed strong tonight. The thing is...(and this is what separates me from a dieter and a true lifestyler) EVEN if I had gotten the wine and chocolate, YES my night would be a mess but I would not torture myself and make it worse. I would say FIDO. FORGET IT AND DRIVE ON!

Sweet dreams!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Picture Update!


34 more to go!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What to Eat!

I am a runner. I am running between 2-4 miles a day. I have even had an occational 5-6 mile jog/walk these last few weeks. The wind on my face and the long strides of my legs feels so good. I am at a standstill with my weight but KEEPING OFF these 22 pounds lost. I have gone from a size 18 to a 12. I can not believe it. I have learned so much about eating. When, what, where, how (not who) to eat. I am also learning how to indulge without beating myself up with guilt. I am staying calm and carrying on. This is life and I am finally happy. Thank you Lord for answering this prayer. I still have a ways to go but I am encouraged because I don't feel like throwing in the towel due to starvation or exaughstion. I am completely content and satified and ENERGIZED! AND...I feel so cute in my hot little skinny jeans and sexy sparkly shirts. I've never felt worthy of wearing such cute things and quite frankly didn't want to draw any attention to myself. I knew what they were all thinking..."Why doesn't she stop eating so much". Or at least that was my paranoia.

Eat every 2-3 hours
By the end of the day you should have had 6-7 small meals
These small meals need to be HEALTHY!
High protein!!! The "snack meals" that come in between b'fast, lunch and dinner should be only around 100 calories. Breakfast is my favorite because this is your biggest meal! I have a Jimmy Dean Sausage Egg and Cheese Breakfast Muffin, Fruit and coffee. I LOVE IT! And I really look forward to it. ( I try and have oatmeal for b fast like 2 times a week because no matter how addicted you get to a great meal, you MUST mix it up!!!!)
What are snack meals? Well this is how it works...
Bfast (Larger meal)6am
"Snack meal" 9am (Kashi Bar with 1 tbsp Peanut butter or Allmond butter
Lunch Noon Half wheat pita bread stuffed with turkey, veggies, feta, mustard
2pm "snack meal" String cheese and turkey
5pm "snack meal" Veggies and Hummas (or Melba Toast and Laughing Cow cheese)
7pm Dinner Chicken or fish with veggies (salad and or beans)
Maybe a Light Beer with dinner (You can have red wine but i can not because I can't control myself! I drink too much and want more food when I drink the vino. :(

If you say to yourself, " I am still satisfied from b'fast and don't need a "snack meal" I am sooooooooooooo good and skinny!!!" YOU ARE WRONG!!!! You just THINK you don't need it! Trust me. I'm the one who has lost 22 pounds in 10 weeks!

Love you :) High Five.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Is this really who I was???

8 weeks ago I was a binge eater. I really can't believe the things I use to do. It shocks me and disgusts me to think of my past favorite thing to do. I thought I was so free and independent. I thought everyone else did it and I was just always going to be this way. I found comfort in looking in the mirror and telling myself, "It's OK. You have a nice looking face, big boobs, pretty hair, and a great personality. Besides that, you have a man who adores you and a precious son who loves me too." I would say these types of things to myself just to stay in survival mode. I literally did not think I could ever lose weight. So thinking back to what I use to love doing when no one was goes...

"Alone in the house. My child is tucked in his crib, safe and warm. My husband has just left for the gym and won't be home for 2 hours. My cat and dog have been fed and are snuggles up and satisfied. My dishes are done. I've taken my bath and even shaved my legs. My floors are clean and I had a great day in sales today. Oh, before I get to comfortable, I better start another load of laundry so I can really feel good about myself. I am so productive. I am such an amazing mom. I am an OK wife but I am learning and trying to do it better. I'm a great friend. Deep breath in.....Life feels good right now and I deserve some me time now. No one is around and I am free. I can do whatever I want. Everyone sucks me dry and I have nothing left to give. Why does everyone think they can walk all over me and chirp chirp chirp like a bunch of baby birds depending on ME for everything. I deserve to be pampered and loved on too! This hurts. I feel like the victim. I feel like I am not getting MY share of the fortune. ME ME ME! HA! I'll show them! Clunk clunk clunk I go into the kitchen. start how about 2 strawberry Nutrigrain Bars and some 2% milk. Poof! It's gone. What else can I find in crap there is some Nestle Quick, I should have had that in my milk! Well, I still can, I'll just have another cereal bar. This time I'll have a chocolate chip granola bar. Oops, there's still some milk left and its so good with every bite so I should just have another granola bar. This time I think I'll add a little peanut butter. SO GOOD! Ahhh...OK what else can I the freezer I go...A frozen pizza! It's Mike's and he's saving it for a rainy day. Are you kidding me? I salve over this house and everything else in my life. I deserve this pizza! Preheating the over to 350...
Man, this is going to take forever! Look, hummus!! Hummus is so good for you so I'll just have some of that as an appetizer. I need something to dip it in though. Wheat thins sounds good. I need some cheese too. Oh, you know what would be so amazing with this? DUH! Some red wine! In to the living room I go...

I am half way done with my appetizer but my wine glass is empty! Better fill'er up! MMMMMMM that was DELICIOUS! I'm full. BEEP BEEP BEEP! Oh yeah! My Hawaiian Pizza! Heck yeah! This is going to be so good and I still have half a bottle of wine left to enjoy it with! Oh my gosh this is perfect...The Bachelor has a whole hour left! This really is the best moment of my day. I totally deserve this. I am a good mom and a good person in general. I love God and He is spoiling me right now! I needed some Liz Time, Yall! I'm happy. You know what would make this absolutely perfect? I'm going to text Mike and see if he will get me some sugar free dark chocolate. PERFECT NIGHT."

OK so you just saw an evening in the head of Liz Wetzler 8 weeks ago. I want to tell you something else though. I want to tell you how this "perfect night" ended.

Mike came home to find me slurring my words and telling him ALL about who the bachelor had chosen and who had the hottest bodies. He looked at me confused handing me the chocolate bar which HE thought was my only indulgence. I look at him and act like everything is so great. After my chocolate is all gone, I blurt out, "Oh yeah! Tonight was my cheat night (yeah right) and so I indulged on your pizza but I will replace it tomorrow so don't worry!! How was your work out? I'm going to the gym tomorrow after work! Have they fixed our key less entry cards yet??"

Mike slowly walks into the kitchen annoyed with me because I have obviously had one glass too many.

He says he loves me and he gets in the shower.

Alone. I sit. The bachelor is over. The food is gone. I don't feel good. I am so full and so tired. I know I have to get up in 8 hours. I get up to get some water and look up into the window at my reflection.

I'm looking at this person. Who is this person? Why is she ruining my life? Why does she turn me into a gorging sloth. Why did I do this. Then instead of letting the tear out hold it in and go to bed with a stomach so full of so much stuff.

I wake up 3 pounds heavier. I try to go to the gym but I am depressed. I go to work, I come home and clean up the kitchen from the night before. I play with my precious son, I start to feel productive. My child loves me. We go on a walk and play outside. He is so happy. We go inside and take a bath. He has his dinner and is ready for bed. I am exhausted but feel like I've been a great mom. The cycle begins again.

Looking back at this I can not believe how weak I was when it came to eating and my thoughts. I never thought I could get this under control. But, I have. I am eating 6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours. I am not buying ANY wine. I am enjoying an occasional 64 calorie beer a few nights a week. I am happy, I am healthy, I am living my life. Today I was 205 pounds. That is a grand total of 21 POUNDS GONE! I have dropped two sizes. I love my child and I will do anything for him. I am doing this for myself but he is reaping the benefits of having a truly happy mother.

Lastly, I ran the entire 3 miles at Mellow Milers last night. I could not BELIEVE IT!! We actually kept up with the crowd!

I am half way there and still need support, prayers, and encouragement. Having a life coach (Garland) has made all the difference. She helps me decide what to eat for my meals and she pushes me with my exercise. She is a gift from God. It is important to find someone to hold you accountable. We can not do this alone. We need each other!

Remember...Eat high protein healthy meals every 2-3 hours. Exercise. Drink water. Limit the booze. Limit the stress (Get massages or do yoga). AND PRAY! God wants to be included in everything you are passionate about. For 19 years I have been praying for God to help me with this. Sometimes he doesn't answer us as quickly as we want Him to, but he does answer us. He is faithful and He is here.