Thursday, November 1, 2012

Feed the Beast!

13 Days ago I gave birth to a precious baby boy. When I checked into the hospital to be induced I weighed in at a whopping 250 pounds. The exact same weight that night I got induced with Carter, my first born, 2 1/2 years earlier. That is A LOT of weight! It's OK. I'm pregnant! Jessica Simpson got up to 170 and is 5'3 which is the equivilant to me, I told my 5'8 self. Dang. But that's a lot of weight. And she gets a lot of fat jokes made at her expense. You are growing a baby! Shut up and relax. Don't worry. Just focus on getting your beautiful baby boy here safely. Blessed beyond words, we arrived home 3 days later and I had to know...240. 240?! I thought the baby plus fluid plus placenta plus whatever else was in there was at least 13 pounds! ONLY 10 pounds gone!! My baby weighed 8 lbs 2 oz! What the heck? I went downstairs STARVING and ready to fuel my breastfeeding body when I realized...I can do this the hard way or the easy way. Start tomorrow or start RIGHT NOW. Ignore my reality or face the facts. I decided I was going to tackle this issue immediately. I wanted to begin right away. And so I did. EVERY TWO HOURS. That is how often I eat. Small, high protein, low sugar "meals". Lots of water. And, well that's it. It's not brain science. It is simply trick your body into MELTING OFF THE FAT. I can't tell you how many idiots complain to me about how they can't lose weight and then it finally comes out that they don't even eat breakfast. Or they go 4 or 5 hours without eating. They are actually bragging about the long peroid of time they were able to function with out food. Do you know what you are doing? You are making your body go into survival mode! You body is saying, "STORE FAT!!! We are starving!!!" When you eat every two hours, your timid little self KNOWS it can count on your next meal and therefore is BURNING fat like you wouldn't believe! Teach your body to trust you. FEED THE BEAST! Feed it consistantly every 2 hours and it will learn to trust you and melt off the lard. But Liz, I bust my butt at the gym and still can't lose weight!" TOTAL BS! Sorry, friend but it is. You know what I say to my pitty party gym goers? I tell them that if they aren't eating right, they are working out just for fun. Exercise has so many benefits and I can't go a day with out it. HOWEVER, you must train yourself to see those gym calories as a BONUS! Try to ignore they are even there so you don't sabatoge your diet in thinking you can over eat! Now listen to this...and listen good! This morning I weighed in at 222 pounds. IT IS MELTING OFF and you now know why. There is an AP called "My Fitness Pal". This AP is so awesome and we can actually connect with each other for support. My user name is Lizwetzler. Friend me! You need accountabily if you really want to lose the weight. It is a tough battle but together we can do it! I have lost 18 pounds and 2 sizes in 2 weeks. THIS WORKS! And the best part is...YOU ARE NEVER HUNGRY! Stop trying to ignore food! FEED THE FREAKIN' BEAST!!! Love and Kisses, Liz (Sorry for the typos-I can't afford an editor just yet.)

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